The purpose of this website is to encourage interaction. To keep the conversation going, you can find a variety of resources for breaking with ageism here, including helpful websites, associations, research groups and other information sources on the causes, consequences and effects of ageism.
In Quebec :
- #JeSuislAînéDeDemain (Groupe Maurice)
- Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées
- Un et un font mille
- Réseau Québécois de Recherche sur le Vieillissement
- La Maison Grands-Parents Sherbrooke : Un milieu de vie intergénérationnel
- Intergénérations Québec : Favoriser le rapprochement des générations pour le développement d’une société ouverte, inclusive et solidaire
- Société québécoise de Gériatrie
In Canada :
In France :
Internationally :
- Ageing Equal – Human Rights do not diminish with age
- Age-Friendly World (World Health Organization)
- Global report on ageism
- Age Friendly Ireland
- International Federation on Ageing
Suggest resources to break with ageism
Do you know of any resources that help change perceptions, attitudes and behaviours associated with aging or that offer ways to break with ageism? Share them with the GIRA team by writing to